Chai latte

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Chai Latte | Nosalty. Elkészítés A teás zacskókat egy nagyobb kancsóba helyezzük, és ráöntünk 2,5 dl forrásban lévővizet. Amíg ázik, hozzáadjuk az összes fűszert ésa cukrot. Kb. 1 percig áztatjuk, majd kivesszük a zacskókat. Hozzáadjuk a tejet, a tejszínt, és botmixerrel felhabosítjuk. Poharakba vagy csészékbe öntjük. .. Chai latte recept: ízletes chai latte készítése 10 perc alatt

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. Chai latte készítése: Forralj csészénként 250 milliliter vizet! Add a forrásban lévő vízhez az elkészített masala chai fűszerkeverék ⅕ részét csészénként! Helyezz 1 fekete tea filiter a vízbe csészénként! Várj 5 percet majd szűrd le a teát! Ezt követően ízlés szerint adj 100-200 milliliter tejet .. A tökéletes chai latte receptje - Kamélia Kert. A tökéletes chai latte receptje. A chai fűszeres teát jelent, aminek az alapja fekete tea, olyan melengető, antibakteriális, téli (és ajurvédikus) fűszerekkel ízesítve, mint a kardamom, a szegfűszeg és a gyömbér. Fogyaszthatod önmagában is, 95 fokos vízzel leöntve, 2-3 percig áztatva, vagy készíthetsz belőle chai lattét .. Melengető, fűszeres chai tea latte házilag - Nem csak finom, fel is .. Mi a chai latte? A chai hindiül teát jelent, a köztudatban fűszeres italként él, és nagyon népszerű, melengető, kávézókban is rendszeresen rendelt. Az igazán szezonális, őszi téli variációja a pumpkin spice latte , vagyis a sütőtökös változat, amely nemcsak krémesen kényeztet, hanem fel is ébreszt, hiszen espresso is .. Chai Latte recept - a készítése otthon egyszerűen. Isteni illata van, amennyiben különlegességre vágyik, készítse el a Chai Latte recept szerint. Mi kell a Chai Latte készítéséhez? 2,5 dl forró víz; 1 adag fekete tea; 0,6dl dl tej (lehet növényi tej is) 1/2 tk őrölt fahéj; 1 csipet őrölt szegfűszeg; 1 csipet őrölt gyömbér; 1 csipet őrölt szerecsendió; 1 csipet .. Easy Homemade Chai Latte Recipe (Step by Step) | The Kitchn. Learn how to brew, steep, sweeten, and froth a chai latte with black tea, spices, and milk. This easy recipe shows you the best tea, spices, and sweetener for a perfect cup of chai latte.. Chai latte házilag, 10 perc alatt - itt a recept | Éva magazin. Nincs is jobb téli finomság, mint egy csésze forró, fűszeres chai latte! És ráadásul otthon is elkészítheted - ha még nem próbáltad, meg fogsz lepődni, milyen könnyű. Télen csodálatos, otthonos, megnyugtató érzés forró, gyömbéres-fahéjas teát iszogatni: a meleg folyadék és a fűszerek összhatása felmelegíti a .. Gyors chai latte | Nosalty. hideg italok. turmix


limonádé. alkoholos italok. HIRDETÉS. Gyors chai latte recept képpel. Hozzávalók és az elkészítés részletes leírása. A Gyors chai latte elkészítési ideje: 5 perc.. Készíts saját chai latte keveréket - Pillanatok alatt felélénkít. Készíts saját chai latte keveréket - Pillanatok alatt felélénkít. 2018. november 21. A Masala chai, egy fűszerekkel készült fekete tea, aminek történetesen kifejezetten karácsonyíze van. A fahéj, a kardamom, a gyömbér és a fekete bors annyira jók együtt, hogy a tökéletes arányú kombináció kis üvegcsékben vagy .. Fehérjével dúsított kávés chai latte recept | Street Kitchen. A kókusztejet összemelegítjük a chai alappal, az eritrittel és a fehérjeporral, majd ráöntjük a kávékra. A kókuszkrémkonzerv fehér, sűrű, krémes részét átkeverjük, és a kávé tetejére kanalazzuk, majd megszórjuk pici őrölt fahéjjal, és már ihatjuk is. Fehérjével dúsított kávés chai latte. Előkészítési .. Chai Latte - Keleti fűszerek, kávéházi élménnyel.. A Chai Latte ízvilága különbözik minden megszokott meleg italtól. Édes és gyakran kissé csípős, gyömbérrel, …. Tovább a cikkhezChai latte élmény. A Masala Chai fűszerek sokféle összetevőt tartalmazhatnak a szakácstól függően, akárcsak a currypor. Házi készítésű fűszerkeverékünk közönséges chai fűszereket .. Chai latte élmény - Chai Latte. Milyen ízű a chai latte? A Chai Latte ízvilága különbözik minden megszokott meleg italtól. Édes és gyakran kissé csípős, gyömbérrel, szerecsendióval, fahéjjal, kardamommal és fekete borssal szokták ízesíteni. Sok chai latte recept vaníliát is felhasznál, melynek íze általában könnyen kiérezhető.. Easy Chai Latte - Downshiftology. Learn how to make a homemade chai latte with black tea, spices, milk, and sweetener. This easy recipe is customizable, cozy, and perfect for cold days. You can also make a dirty chai latte or an iced chai latte with espresso.. What Is A Chai Latte? - Perfect Daily Grind. Learn what a chai latte is, how it is made, and where it comes from. Discover the origins of chai, the worlds oldest tea-based drink, and how it became a popular drink in cafés and coffee shops. Find out how to customize your chai latte with different spices, syrups, or milk alternatives.. How To Make Chai Latte - Chai - Delish. Learn how to make chai latte with black tea, spices, sugar, and milk. Follow the easy steps to froth your own milk, steep the tea, and enjoy the cozy drink with cinnamon and cardamom.. Perfect Chai Latte - A Couple Cooks. Learn how to make a chai latte with masala chai, steamed milk, and sweetener. This drink is creamy, cozy, and spiced with the perfect fluffy foam topping. Find tips on chai spices, frothing milk, and variations on the chai latte.. Ultimate Homemade Chai Tea Latte Recipe (Step-By-Step). Learn how to make a rich and warming chai tea latte with simple pantry ingredients: black tea, spices, and milk. This from-scratch recipe is a tea lovers favorite, with the perfect balance of natural sweetness and coffee shop flavor


Follow the step-by-step video tutorial and variations for iced, dirty, or pumpkin spice chai.. Chai - több mint tea! | Azért az igazi chai latte sosem nélkülözi a minőségi fekete teát! Ha kedvünk támad hozzá, otthon is egyszerűen elkészíthetjük. Egyszerű chai latte házilag. Hozzávalók kb. 6 dl-hez: 3 teáskanál fekete tea (legjobb hozzá az Assam-tea) 4 dl víz 2 dl zsírdús tej (3,5 %-os zsírtartalommal). Easy Chai Tea Latte - Baking Mischief. Incredibly Easy Chai Tea Latte. This homemade chai latte is beyond simple to make at home. Its warming, the perfect level of sweet, and if youre a chai tea drinker, you probably have the ingredients in your cupboard already. Ingredients. For your latte, all you will need are: Chai tea bag: Any brand will work, caffeinated or decaf.. Chai latte - Madal - Specialty Kávé & Shop. Ez a tej krémesebbé, sokak számára könnyebben fogyaszthatóvá teszi a chai italt. A specialty kávézók többségében, így a Madalban is, a chai latte úgy készül, hogy egy porított chai tea és fűszer alapot elegyítenek el a baristák a felgőzölt tejjel.. Chai Latte Recipe | Drinks Recipe | Tesco Real Food. Learn how to make a fragrant chai latte with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and black tea. This Indian-inspired drink is perfect for cold winter days and can be served with milk or without.. Chai latte »-› ÁrGép


A Drink Me finom és változatos Chai Latte széles skáláját gyártja, amelyet az eredeti indiai indiai Chai ihlette 5000 évvel ezelőtt! Hogyan készítsünk forró Chai Latte-t: 3 teáskanál Chai Latte + egy csésze forró víz + keverjük össze az egészet = Finom és melegítő ital!. Chai-Latte - das beste Rezept zum Selbermachen | Einfach Backen. Lerne, wie du Chai-Latte mit Milch, Zimt, Kardamom und Nelken einfach selber zubereiten kannst. Das Heißgetränk ist ein Trend-Getränk für Herbst, Winter und Muttertag.. How to Make a Perfect Matcha Chai Latte at Home (Detailed Guide). Put 1 tablespoon Chai loose-leaves tea in a tea infuser. Next, pour 12 oz milk into a saucepan and plop the tea infuser. Simmer the milk over medium-low heat, letting the tea steep for approximately two to three minutes. Take the milk off the heat and let it steep for another five minutes.. Apple Butter Chai Latte - Dash of Jazz. Instructions. Add chai powder and apple butter to a deep, heat-safe container. Carefully pour in steaming hot milk. Use a frothing wand or immersion blender to combine all ingredients into a uniform mixture and create foam, to your preference. Carefully transfer latte to glass mug and enjoy warm.. Simple Lavender Infused Chai Latte Recipe! - A Blissful Sip. Instructions. Warm milk: In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring milk to a boil and then let simmer. Infuse dried lavender and chai tea: Add chai tea and dried lavender to a tea infuser and then place into simmering milk for 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and let the tea and lavender infuse for 5-7 minutes.. Chai Tea Latte - Starbucks Coffee Company. Chai Tea Latte; Chai Tea Latte. 240 calories. Size options. Size options. Short. 8 fl oz. Tall. 12 fl oz. Grande. 16 fl oz. Venti

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. 2% Milk 2% Milk .. Chai Latte with Oat Milk Recipe - Daily Tea Time. Steep Tea - Turn off the heat and add in tea. (Use tea bags or loose-leaf tea) Cover the pot with a lid and allow the tea to steep for 5-7 minutes. Strain - Strain out tea and spices and stir in coconut sugar until fully incorporated. Warm Milk - Warm and froth oat milk.. Easy Chai Latte Recipe - Evolving Table. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat. Remove the pot from the heat and add the tea bags, sweetener, and spices. Whisk together and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Store the sweetener in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours for an iced latte or serve immediately for a hot latte.. The Art of Chai Latte: Exploring Different Options and How to Prepare .. In this video Jimmy teaches you how we make chai latte here at Artisti Coffee Roastery using the four different chai products that we stock and sell. As Jim.. Latte - Wikipedia. Media: Caffè latte. Caffè latte ( Italian: [kafˌfɛ lˈlatte] [1] [2] ), often shortened to just latte ( / ˈlɑːteɪ, ˈlæteɪ /) [3] [4] in English, is a coffee drink of Italian origin made with espresso and steamed milk. Variants include the chocolate-flavored mocha or replacing the coffee with another beverage base such as masala chai .. Chai Latte | RICARDO. Preparation. In a small saucepan, combine the milk, chai tea, anise and cardamom. Warm over medium heat, without boiling, for about 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and strain. Add the brown sugar and vanilla extract. Serve warm with a cinnamon stick, if desired.. Vegan Chai Latte | Minimalist Baker Recipes. Reduce heat to low and simmer for another 10-15 minutes to fully steep. Remove from heat and add almond milk and sweetener of choice and stir

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. Warm for 2-3 minutes off the heat, and then pour over 2 serving mugs (amount as original recipe is written // adjust if altering batch size) using a fine mesh strainer.. Chai Latte - Allrecipes. Iced Dirty Chai Latte. Chai Tea Latte. 38 Ratings Chocolate Chai. 14 Ratings Chai Latte Cupcakes. 1 Rating What Is Chai? Raspberry Iced Tea. 3 Ratings Campfire SMores Latte. 4 Ratings Homemade Caramel Latte. 12 Ratings Chai Tea Mix. 1,042 Ratings Railroad-Style Chai. 2 Ratings Hawaiian Iced Tea. 18 Ratings Grandmas Russian Tea.. Starbucks Chai Tea Latte (Copycat Recipe) - Insanely Good. Place the saucepan back on the stove and heat milk until warm

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. Whisk the milk vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes, or until frothy. Pour the milk over the concentrate. Scoop the leftover milk foam in the saucepan and top it on the latte. Dust with cinnamon, if using.. 5 Best Chai Latte K-Cups 2024 - Coffee Affection. The 5 Best Chai Latte K-Cups. 1. Café Escapes Chai Latte K-Cups - Best Overall. Check Latest Price. Café Escapes Chai Latte has great flavor, a rich and creamy texture, and spiciness that carries more than a little hint of the exotic. When we say that a good chai latte is best savored, this is what weve got in mind.. Hot Chai Latte - Allrecipes. Combine the milk and water in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Once this mixture has warmed, place the orange peel, cloves, cinnamon stick, peppercorns, nutmeg, sugar and tea leaves into the pan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until the color deepens to your liking. Strain out spices, and pour into cups.. What Is A Chai Latte? Is It Tea Or Coffee? | Easy Guide - Coffee Potential

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. A chai latte is a type of tea drink containing cinnamon, cardamon, clove, and ginger. Dirty chai is like a chai latte with the addition of espresso. The addition of coffee to the drink gives it a stronger flavour than a regular chai latte. If you cannot choose which to have, a cup of chai latte or coffee, then dirty chai may be the best option.. Oat Milk Chai Latte Recipe - Tasting Table. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the black tea bags. Steep for 10 minutes. Strain the concentrate into a jar. To make a chai latte, heat ¾ cup of chai concentrate with 1¼ cup oat milk .. : Chai Latté : Coffee Substitutes : Grocery & Gourmet Food. Twinings Chai Latte Black Tea K-Cup Pods for Keurig, Creamy, Slightly Sweet Tea, Caffeinated, 24 Count (Pack of 1) $1778 ($0.74/Count) +. Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Keurig Single-Serve K Cup Pods, 28 Count. $1652 ($0.59/Count) Total price: Add all 3 to Cart. These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers.

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. Matcha Chai Latte - Sinful Nutrition. Add chai tea bags to hot water, and let sit for 2 minutes. Remove tea bags, and whisk in matcha powder. Set aside. Pour almond milk in mason jar. Heat in microwave for 1-2 minutes, or until warm. Add stevia, and replace lid. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Pour matcha tea into cup, and top with almond milk.. Chai Latte Recipe - Clean Eating. Preparation. Place 1 cup almond milk in a saucepan with the ground spices, salt and peppercorns. Bring to a boil; reduce to a simmer for 5 minutes

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. Add the maple syrup and tea bags; turn off the heat and allow to steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and use an electric whisk to dissolve the spices into the milk.. Chocolate Chai Latte - Greedy Girl Gourmet. Instructions. Bash the whole spices with the back of a knife or rolling pin, then toast them in a dry pan till fragrant. Note: if using ginger, dont add till the milk and water have come to a boil, to avoid curdling the ginger. Add the water and boil for 5 minutes on medium-high or high heat.. EASY Iced Chai Latte Recipe 3 Ways! - Buttered Side Up. Squeeze out the tea bags or strain the loose leaf tea out. Add the maple syrup and vanilla extract. Stir well. Pour into a storage container and store in the fridge once its completely cooled. To make an iced latte with the concentrate, pour 6-8 tablespoons into your cup


Add the cream and milk. Add ice cubes to fill.. Chocolate Chai Latte - Easy Homemade Life. Step one: Steep tea. Bring the water to a boil in a small saucepan or tea kettle. Steep the tea bags for 5 minutes. Step two: Froth milk. Prepare the frothed milk by steaming it and whisking briskly by hand or using an electric frother or the milk frothing attachment on an espresso machine.. Homemade Vanilla Chai Latte - MSN. Add the cracked spices, star anise, cinnamon sticks, ginger, vanilla extract, and honey to the skillet and stir to combine. Simmer until the milk is very warm and fragrant, approximately 5-6 .. Keurig Chai Latte Pods. Twinings Chai Latte Black Tea K-Cup Pods for Keurig, Creamy, Slightly Sweet Tea, Caffeinated, 72 Count. Black 1 Count (Pack of 72) $5499 ($0.76/Count) FREE delivery Tue, Nov 14. Or fastest delivery Nov 8 - 10. Only 12 left in stock - order soon. Best Seller.. How To Make a Chai Tea Latte at Home (Easy Recipe). Once the chai is ready, add sugar to taste. 2. Heat the milk. Over low to medium heat in the same small saucepan, heat the milk. Youll want to heat it to around 160-170 degrees, well below boiling. You can go even cooler if you like

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. The lower the temperature, the softer the drink will feel. 3.. Chai Latte (Starbucks Dupe) - Masala and Chai. Steep the tea. Add black tea leaves or tea bags into the spice-infused water and boil it for about 5 minutes, giving it a stir every once in a while. Then, remove the pot from heat and let the tea and spices steep for a minimum of 15 minutes. Add the sugar and stir until its dissolved.. Vanilla Chai Tea Latte - A Homemade Chai Tea Latte Recipe - Show Me the .. Instructions. Blend all ingredients above (excluding milk) in your Vitamix, coffee bean grinder, or food processor until it becomes a fine powder. You may need to do this in batches, depending on how powerful your blender is. Mix in 2 tablespoons of this mix with 6 oz of hot milk or water and stir until combined.. Čo je to chai latte a ako ho pripraviť | Nápoju to dodá viac kofeínu a netradičnú chuť. Takáto verzia by sa však nemala nazývať chai latte, ale dirty chai. Názov môžeme voľne preložiť ako „pošpinený" či „zneuctený" čaj. Povráva sa, že táto receptúra vznikla v Londýne v 90. rokoch, keď do chai latte omylom pridali kávu.. The BEST Copycat Starbucks Chai Tea Latte Recipe (Made In 5 Minutes). Instructions. Place the water and maple syrup in a pot and whisk to combine. Bring the water to a boil, and then add the tea bags and cinnamon stick. Let the tea bags steep for 5-10 minutes. While the tea is brewing, warm the milk. Heat the milk in a saucepan over low heat until it just starts to steam.. Cómo hacer té chai latte - Directo al Paladar. Té Chai Masala de dos especias (100 tazas), FUERTE Y PICANTE, Ingredientes 100% N, Té Negro, Cardamomo, Canela, Clavo, Pimienta Negra, Chai Latte, Mezclado y Envasado en Source en India, 200gr .. How to Make Chai Latte: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow Life. To make chai latte, combine the crumbled cinnamon stick, whole black peppercorn, cloves, and cracked green cardamom pods in a saucepan and toast them over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Next, add the fresh ginger and water and simmer the mixture for 5 minutes before removing it from the heat. Then, stir in the loose-leaf tea, cover the pan, and .. 19 Facts You Need To Know About Chai - Tasting Table. Starbucks Grande Chai Tea Latte, for example, contains 240 calories and 42 grams of sugar. Considering that one sugar packet or teaspoon of sugar weighs about 4 grams, thats more than 10 .. Cafe Escapes, Chai Latte Tea Beverage, Single-Serve Keurig K-Cup Pods .. Mauds Chai Tea Latte (Spiced Cha-Cha-Chai Latte), 18ct. Solar Energy Produced Recyclable Single Serve Flavored Tea Pods - 100% Tea Leaves California Blended, KCup Compatible 4.2 out of 5 stars 77,976. Chai Tea Latte Pods


Caffe DVita Spiced Chai Oatmilk Latte - Chai Tea Latte Powder Mix, No Cholesterol, Gluten Free, Premium Mix, Plant-Based, Enjoy Hot & Cold, 11 servings, Spiced Chai Latte Powder Mix - 1lb (Pack of 1) 1 Pound (Pack of 1) 3.5 out of 5 stars 4. 50+ bought in past month.. BEST Dirty Chai Latte (Easy Recipe) | Hello Little Home. Place tea bag in a large coffee cup. Cover with 1 cup boiling water and let steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Discard tea bag, then add hot espresso to tea. Stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons of chai tea mix (to taste). Microwave milk until hot (about 45 seconds), then froth using a milk frother (or shake in a sealed mason jar).. Starbucks Chai Tea Latte Recipe (Copycat) - Bites with Bri. Step by Step Instructions. Step 1: Combine hot or chilled chai concentrate with hot or cold milk. Step 2: Serve over ice or hot with whipped cream and cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice on top. TIP - Use hot milk and concentrate for a hot latte and cold for a copycat Starbucks iced chai latte.. Chai Tea Latte - Starbucks Coffee Company. Chai Tea Latte. Grande 16 fl oz. Back. Nutrition. Calories 240 Calories from Fat 40. Total Fat 4.5 g 6%. Saturated Fat 2 g 10%. Trans Fat 0 g. Cholesterol 20 mg 7%. Sodium 115 mg 5%. Total Carbohydrates 45 g 16%. Dietary Fiber 0 g. Sugars 42 g. Protein 8 g. Caffeine. 95 mg* Nutrition disclaimers.. Spicy Chai Latte Recipe | Giada De Laurentiis | Food Network. Watch how to make this recipe. Combine the tea bags, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, ginger and 4 cups water in a large saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Add the almond milk and sugar .. Maple Chai Tea Latte Recipe - Through Her Looking Glass. Instructions. Heat milk until steaming (not boiling) in the microwave or in a saucepan on the stovetop. Pour steaming milk over chai tea bag (s) in mug and steep 3-5 minutes. Remove tea bag (s). Stir in vanilla and maple syrup. Pour into a mug and serve hot. Optional : lightly dust with ground cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice.. Iced Chai Latte: What Is It & How Do You Make It at Home?. An iced chai latte is a popular beverage made by combining chai concentrate, milk, and ice. Chai is made with a blend of spices such as cardamom, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and other herbs steeped in hot water with black tea. The combination of spices creates a flavorful beverage that balances out the spiciness with creaminess while .. Chai Latte Slovensko. vychutnaj si CHAI LATTE doma chcem to. matcha ČAJ. ♥ má veľa zdraviu prospešných účinkov ♥ nabije Ťa energiou po dobu 3-6 hodín ♥ bez kofeínu a bez laktózy ♥ 100% vegánsky

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. kúpiť matchu. OBJAV CHAI LATTE OBĽÚBENÝ nápoj z čierneho čaju, mlieka a korenIA chcem chai. The 15 Best Chai Teas in 2024 - The Spruce Eats. Quickly steep loose or bagged masala chai without a stovetop, using this quick method: For masala chai made with black tea: steep 1 teaspoon of loose tea or 1 tea bag in 1 cup of near-boiling water for 4 minutes. Strain out the loose tea or discard the teabag. Then sweeten to taste if desired and stir in milk.. The BEST Homemade Chai Latte Recipe Youll Find! - The Bircher Bar. The modern Chai Latte traces its origins back to the streets of India where it has been traditionally served as Masala Chai from street vendors or Chai Wallahs across the sub-continent. Youll often find chai lattes wrongly advertised as chai tea or chai tea lattes with the black tea component generally being the difference. If you are .. Chai Tea Latte. Oregon Chai Original Chai Tea Latte Mix 3 Pack (3 pack, 8 count each) -On the Go Instant Chai Tea Latte Mix - 3 Pack Oregon Chai Tea Mix ( 24 packets) Black · 1.1 Ounce (Pack of 24) 288. 200+ bought in past month. $1422 ($0.54/Ounce) Typical: $16.82. FREE delivery Sun, Jul 16 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon.. Chai Latte | TikTok. Chai latte is a popular beverage made by combining black tea, spices, and steamed milk. It is a creamy and aromatic drink that is perfect for those who love the taste of tea but want something a little more indulgent. The spices used in chai latte can vary, but they typically include cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and cloves.. Chai Latte - Kiwilimón. El chai latte es una bebida originaria del sur de la India, la cual se prepara con una combinación deliciosa de especias como cardamomo, canela, jengibre, clavo y té negro. How to make a chai latte | Tea Forte. The word "chai" translates literally to mean "tea" in Hindi, similar to the Cantonese word "cha," which means the same thing. The chai latte (commonly, though incorrectly, referred to as a "chai tea latte") is a cold-weather favorite for many, evoking a sense of coziness with each sip of spiced tea and warm, frothed milk. No ..